Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bamboo Create!

I have my sights set on this in order to start some beginner paintings in Photoshop!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Starting at the Beginning

Just a quick post because I feel as though I have created this blog and then neglected it. I figured the best place to start is the at the beginning of my Photoshop adventures. These two images I am about to upload were my two very first projects, and as you will see I am a bit disorganized. I have no reference images for either of them. I actually completed the Vector Style magazine cover from scratch. I later learned that Illustrator is the best program for vector images. Both of these projects are also completely different from my current interests and my current pieces of work.

                                      Before                       After
The most noticeable change here is the wall. I spent a lot of time practicing using the clone tool (funny, I don't use it much now). I also practiced using the selection tool and changing the color of the shirt. This was a very simple project, but an extremely big step for me with getting to learn how to use the different tools. Lastly, I worked on maintaining the shadow that is holding the beer bottle.Once again, a big step for me because I needed to learn how to maintain real life (i.e. making it not look photoshopped). It is evident with other projects that when having a source of light, it is key to ensure that shadows are created, as well as bright spots when needed.

                                          Vector Magazine Cover
This is one of my favorite projects because it taught me how to use the pen tool. It also gave me a better foundation using and selecting objects. This project also had about 100 layers, so my organizational skills were definitely tested. However, I liked the concept of creating a project from scratch and not just manipulating photos (but I now love manipulating photos...). The pen tool has helped me immensely throughout my Photoshop endeavors. It is an aspect of Photoshop that should be learned, and unforunately, not many Photoshop professionals are savvy with the pen tool. I have a few projects where it is important to see my uses of the pen tool in creating custom shapes and selecting difficult images.

This post is it for now. Definitely more to come (school is busy). I have also started a new Photoshop project that I have been working on when time permits.